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All machines MODEL 2015 offer 0.01mm X/Y resolution now, V3 controller inside, new pnp head for all 2 head machines offerering CAN controller and pneumatic elements on head. New Top camera for all analog camera machines using USB HD camera module and new light module.
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We do not only supply a good machine, but we provide THE BEST SERVICE for a long time.
Surface Mount Technology (SMT) is a popular method for producing prototypes of electronic products. SMT production for prototypes can be done in a small scale or in-house, making it cost-effective and efficient for product development. Here are the steps for SMT production for prototypes:
· Design and layout: Create a detailed design of the prototype, including schematics and PCB layout, and verify that it meets the necessary safety and performance standards.
· Component selection: Choose the components that will be used in the prototype, taking into account factors such as cost, availability, and suitability for the application.
· Prototype creation: Use a pick and place machine to place the components onto the PCB, following the design and layout. The components are then soldered onto the PCB using a reflow oven.
· Testing: Test the prototype to ensure that it functions as expected and that all components are securely attached to the PCB.
· Refining the design: If necessary, make any changes to the design based on the results of the testing. Repeat the SMT production and testing process until the prototype is finalized.
· Scaling up production: Once the design is finalized, the SMT production process can be scaled up for mass production.
SMT production for prototypes provides a flexible and cost-effective way to develop and test new products before committing to mass production. It also allows for rapid prototyping, which is important for product development in fast-paced industries.
All trademarks remain property of their respective holders, and are used only to directly describe the products being provided. Their use in no way indicates any relationship between SMALLSMT and the holders of said trademarks.
Copyright © 2015 - 2024 SMALLSMT
Wir bauen Bestückungsmaschinen für die zuverlässige SMT Bestückung von Leiterplatten, für Prototypen und Kleinserien. Abhängig von Ihren Ansprüchen bieten wir einfache Produkte bis zu den HP (High Precision) Bestückungsautomaten die über AC Servos und Kugelumlaufspindeln eine absolute Positionierung ermöglichen.
We are manufacturer for Pick & Place machines used for professional SMT assembly of pcb for prototypes and small batches. Depending on your demands we offer simple pick and place machines up to our High Precision HP machines. For HP pnp machines we us AC servo motors and ball screw spindles to achieve closed loop positioning.
Somos fabricantes de máquinas Pick and Place usadas por profesionales para prototipos y pequeñas producciones. Dependiendo de sus demandas podemos ofrecer desde máquinas Pick and Place básicas hasta nuestras máquinas HP de alta precisión. Para nuestras HP pnp usamos servo motores de AC con husillo para conseguir un control de posición de lazo cerrado.
Nous sommes fabricants de machines Pick & Place utilisées pour l'assemblage professionnel de circuits imprimés pour les prototypes et les petites séries. Selon vos besoins, nous proposons des machines Pick & Place simples jusqu'à nos machines HP de haute précision. Pour les machines HP pnp, nous utilisons des servomoteurs AC et des broches à vis à billes pour obtenir un positionnement en boucle fermée.